Opening | 23 January 2025, 7 pm. Dates | 24 January - 18 May 2025 Venue | Lentos Kunstmuseum Linz, Ernst-Koref-Promenade 1, 4020 Linz, Austria Works by, among others Werke u.a. von Uli Aigner, Iris Andraschek, Matei Bejenaru, Julius von Bismarck, Vanja Bučan, Floriama Candea, Laura Codruța Cernea, Adriana Chiruta, Sevda Chkoutova, Larisa Crunțeanu, Mark Dion, Veronika Dirnhofer, Ines Doujak, Anna Dumitriu/Alex May, Latifah Echakhch, Christian Eisenberger, Titanilla Eisenhart, Michael Endlicher, İnci Eviner, Thomas Feuerstein, Andrea Francolino, Dorothee Frank/Ben Fodor, Birgit Graschopf, Nicola Hackl-Haslinger, Maximilian Haidacher, Jitka Hanzlová, Peter Hauenschild, Beáta Hechtová, Edgar Honetschläger, Anaïs Horn, Alfred Hruschka, Barbara Anna Husar/Elmar Bertsch, Gözde İlkin, Nona Inescu, Fatoş İrwen, Tobias Izsó, Maren Jeleff/Klaus Pichler, Sabine Jelinek, Anna Jermolaewa, Anne Duk Hee Jordan, Johanna Kandl, Eginhartz Kanter, Anton Kehrer, Kitty Kino, Aurora Király, Alexandra Kontriner, Nina Koželj, David Kranzelbinder, Elena Kristofor, Hans Kupelwieser, Antonio Kutleša, Christiane Löhr, Linda Luse, Haruko Maeda, Péter Mátyási, Claudia Märzendorfer, Katharina Meister, Ferdinand Melichar, Karina Mendreczky, Sylvie de Meurville, Ana Maria Micu, Claire Morgan, Alois Mosbacher, Yvonne Oswald, Monika Pichler, Margot Pilz, PRINZpod, Julia Reichmayr, Oliver Ressler, Hubert Roithner, Gregor Sailer, Elisabeth von Samsonow, Davor Sanvincenti, Judith Saupper, Hans Schabus, Scheibe & Güntzel, Ramona Schnekenburger, Gabriele Schöne, Martin Schrampf, Claudia Schumann, Marielis Seyler, Milica Simonović, Rebecca Smith, Paul Spendier, Oana Stanciu, Thomas Stimm, Mircea Suciu, Maria Szakats, Adrienn Újházi, Hana Usui, Dan Vezentan, Judith Wagner, Manfred Wakolbinger, Violetta Wakolbinger, Betsy Weis, Nives Widauer, Eva Yurková, Laurent Ziegler/Georg Blaschke Curator and exhibition concept: Sabine Fellner Project assistance: Laurenz Fellner Exhibition design: wienerhalle go to page ⮕ |
To Heal You, I Hardly Know What to Do
47 frames animation made with charcoal and chalk, observational hand-drawn and erased on the same background, 13s, 3840 x 2160px, no audio, 2023 AP from Edition: 3 + AP |
Ana Maria Micu Studio Visit | Wednesday, 15 January 2025, 10 am. The artist Ana Maria Micu, the poet Dan Sociu, the artist Gheorghe Stanciu and the Botoșani Museum Complex (the sculptor Marcel Mănăstireanu's studio and the Constantin Dracsin painting collection), are hosting groups of 7 visitors each, curious to meet them at their home and discuss their work. Participation in the studio visits is free of charge and is on a first-come, first-served basis, using the form at this link. In the framework of the "Eminescu Days" 2025, organized by Ipoteşti Memorial − Mihai Eminescu National Center for Studies ROMANIA − Botoşani County, Mihai Eminescu Commune, Ipoteşti Village |
"PULS 20 – New Entries in the MNAC Collection" Publishers: National Museum of Contemporary Art of Romania & DCV – Dr. Cantz'sche Verlagsgesellschaft, Berlin PULS 20 unites the most valuable finds from a communal treasure hunt. Exponents of the Romanian art scene and representatives of the National Museum of Contemporary Art (MNAC) in Bucharest selected works from the oeuvres of countless eminent Romanian artists of outstanding quality that reflect the diversity of the country’s creative production over the past fifty years. In time for the celebrations of MNAC’s twentieth anniversary in 2020, the institution acquired the 180 works reproduced in this catalog. PULS 20 gathers a selection of key works of Romanian art, and it is the result of a successful cooperative curatorial process. All in all, this catalog is the perfect choice both for newcomers to Romanian contemporary art and for specialists. The volume is available for purchase in Bucharest, Romania, in the MNAC Shop on the ground floor of the museum and internationally, in the webshop. go to page ⮕ |
Dates | November 9, 2024 - January 31, 2025 Public presentation, public reading and exhibition opening | Saturday, November 9, 5 p.m. Venue | Iași, Sf. Atanasie Street no. 25, Iași, RO Participants | Astronomical Observatory in Bârlad & Ciprian Vîntdevară (RO), Mona Vătămanu & Florin Tudor (RO), Andreea Cioară (RO), Ana Maria Micu (RO), Andrei Nacu (RO), s.a.b.a. / Silvia Amancei & Bogdan Armanu (RO), Edi Constantin (RO), Mălina Moncea (RO), Tudor Pătrașcu (RO), Kristin Wenzel (DE/RO), Ovidiu Țichindeleanu (DK/RO) Curators | Florin Bobu & Delia Bulgaru OBSERVATOR is a cultural project organized by Satelit Association (Iași) between August and November 2024 in partnership with Iasi, 1+1 (Iași), Oberliht Association, GAP (Gazeta de Artă Politică), Vasile Pârvan Museum (Bârlad). go to project ⮕ |
Night Watch
channel 2 out of two-channel stop motion animation with clay and light | 2m22s continuous loop each channel | 426 stills each channel | 3840 x 2160 px | no audio | 2024 |
The animation "engaging activities, ... Back to All NightCrawler"(2023), edition 1 from Ed.: 3 + 1 AP, by Ana Maria Micu, is included in Romania’s National Heritage Collection managed by the ”Moldova” National Museum Complex Iași Jury composition: President of the jury - Dr. Valentina Druțu, Head of The Art Museum of Iași Members - Dr. Corina Cimpoeșu, Museographer at The Art Museum of Iași Dr. Menola Iutiș - Conservator at The Art Museum of Iași Dr. Maria Bilașevschi - Lecturer at UNAGE Iași, President of UAP Iași, Art Critic Tudor Zbârnea - General Director of National Museum of Fine Arts Chișinău Dr. Lelia Rus-Pîrvan - Manager of The Art Museum of Constanța Dr. Vasile Duda - Art Historian Dr. Silvia Maria Stoica - Lecturer at UNARTE Bucharest Dr. Bogdan Iacob - Professor at University of Arts and Design Cluj-Napoca 87 applications were submitted to The Art Museum of Iași, of which 24 works were purchased following jurization and negotiations. The 2024 Art Acquisitions session is taking place simultaneously in 3 museums in Romania: The National Museum of Contemporary Art Bucharest, The Brukenthal National Museum Sibiu, and The Art Museum of Iași. The Ministry of Culture has allocated a budget of 500.000 RON to each museum. go to page ⮕ |
engaging activities, ... Back to All NightCrawler
animation from 25 wall drawings made with vynil cuttings | 14s loop | 3840 x 2160 px | no audio | 2023 | AP from Edition: 3 + 1 AP |
Mind Set Art Center|Galleries Booth B4 Venue|COEX Convention & Exhibition Center, 513 Yeongdong-daero, Gangnam District, Seoul, South Korea Preview|04 – 05 September, 2024 Open to Public|06 – 07 September, 2024 Artists|Andreea MEDAR, Ana Maria MICU, Juin SHIEH We are delighted to announce that Mind Set Art Center will participate in the main gallery section of the third edition of Frieze Seoul in early September this year. We will curate an exhibition titled "Herstory" featuring works by our three female artists, Juin SHIEH, Andreea MEDAR, and Ana Maria MICU. Each born in the 60s, 70s, and 90s, respectively, these three artists explore the intricate relationships between memory, existence, motherhood, and femininity, each crafting a unique interpretation of feminine space. Combining mixed media, and paintings, we aim to present the theme of "Herstory" from a female perspective, showcasing the richness, diversity, and subtle levels of contemporary art. go to page ⮕ |
From 1 September to 30 November 2024, I was employed as Visiting Artist at the Department of Arts and Design, College of Arts, National Tsing Hua University (NTHU), Hsinchu City, Taiwan. I was invited to submit an application, being recommended by Fine Art Professor Hong-Juin Shieh, under which guidance and supervision I conducted my activity. My main task was to produce 4 works on-site, actually painting for my own in front of the students so that they can follow my process. Throughout six meetings, I assisted Professor Hong-Juin Shieh, under the frame of the "The Multiple Aspects of Painting Workshop", guiding students through the process of designing and implementing murals. I am also invited to assist teacher Yu-Fang Chi, in her Class of Drawing, Year 1, for eight weekly sessions on the practice of drawing. go to page ⮕ |
Dates | June 14, 2024 - April 13, 2025 Opening | Thursday, 13 May 2024, 19:00 - 22:00 Venue | Ground Floor & Marble Hall, The National Museum of Contemporary Art (MNAC Bucharest), The Palace of Parliament, 2-4 Izvor Street, Wing E4, Bucharest, Romania Curators | Călin Dan & Celia Ghyka Artists | Dan Acostioaei, Florian Lazăr Alexie, Alexandru Antik, George Apostu, Matei Bejenaru, Anca Benera, Horia Bernea, Ștefan Bertalan, Ion Bitzan, Geta Brătescu, Mircea Cantor, Boris Caragea, Ion Condiescu, Roman Cotoșman, Călin Dan, Cristian Dițoiu, Sorin Dumitrescu, Constantin Flondor, Marin Gherasim, Dani Ghercă, Nicolae Golici, Ion Grigorescu, Pavel Ilie, Peter Jacobi, Stela Lie, Ana Lupaș, Maria Manolescu, Ana Maria Micu (in collaboration with Alexandra Constantinescu and Radu Constantinescu), Gili Mocanu, Ciprian Mureșan, Paul Neagu, Sorin Neamțu, Mihai Olos, Neculai Păduraru, Romelo Pervolovici, Dionisie Popa, Virgil Preda, Marilena Preda-Sânc, Leonard Răchită, Laurențiu Ruță-Fulger, Șerban Savu, Liviu Stoicoviciu, Patricia Teodorescu, Napoleon Tiron, Titu Toncian, Mona Vătămanu, Dan Vezentan, Ion Vlad, Bogdan Vlăduță, Gheorghe Zărnescu go to project ⮕ |
No title, 2022, collage of raw video footage and 3D animation, 1920 x 1080 px, 2m49s continuous loop, audio
Ana Maria Micu - concept, raw video footage Alexandra Constantinescu, Radu Constantinescu - concept, 3D animation, and editing |
Solo Show by Ana Maria MICU 16 March – 27 April, 2024 (Closed for Tomb Sweeping Day from Apr. 5 to 6) Opening Reception|3:00 pm, Saturday, 16 March, 2024 Guided Tour by the Artist|4:30 - 5:00 pm, Saturday, 16 March, 2024 Mind Set Art Center | 1F, No. 20, Wenhu St., Neihu Dist., Taipei City 114, Taiwan The artist's accommodation for 11 days was sponsored by The Place Taipei 南港老爺行旅. Vlad IONESCU: The exterior world will always dispute interiority. And interiority will always fashion a temporary, mobile, flexible shield. Ana Maria MICU: Through conceptual processes like this, I’ve learned that my decisions are not only a product of inspiration and creativity, but also of vast sets of external circumstances that are both in and out of my control and awareness. A key aspect of my practice is trying to understand these mechanics. Art today is a consumption of non-renewable energy. And I would like to think about where this energy comes from, how is consumed in me, and what I do afterwards, when I wake up empty. go to project ⮕ |
"Cealaltă față a lumii / The other face of the world" Date | Friday, January 26, 2024, at 18:00 Venue | Meron Roastery, Horea 5 Street, Cluj-Napoca, RO Artists Ioana Olăhuț and Anca Bodea invite you to the launch of the bilingual book "Cealaltă față a lumii / The other face of the world", which they edited and produced with the support of the Hassium Cultural Association. The event will take place in the presence of the authors of the critical texts that supported this initiative: Adriana Oprea, curator, art critic and museographer, Liviana Dan, curator and art critic, Alexandra Chiriac, art historian. The volume presents the work of nine artists professionally trained in Cluj-Napoca at the University of Art and Design between 2002 and 2015: Ana Maria Micu, Ioana Olăhuț, Anca Bodea, Ioana Iacob, Mirela Moscu, Anca Brânzaș, Oana Năstăsache, Roxana Ajder, Andrea Tivadar. These artists are distinguished by a relevant and constant activity in the competitive field of contemporary painting, this being one of the fundamental criteria in the selection made by the editors of the book. How does one survive in the paradigm of contemporary painting? How relevant is it and how does it assert itself in the multitude of mediums of expression of current art? Is there a "women's" perspective on painting made in Cluj in the last twenty years? Together with our guests, we will celebrate the publication of this volume which presents a sample of contemporary Romanian painting and analyses these aspects of the art world. go to project ⮕ |
Ana Maria Micu's animation "A State of Blindness" (2021) is part of the artistic project and multimedia publication "(C)ovid's Metamorphoses". Idea | Bernd Herzogenrath Curators | Bernd Herzogenrath & Lasse-Marc Riek Design | Vildana Memic Audio Mastering | Lorenz Lindner Released on 15 December 2023 under Meakusma label, Belgium. Contributions | 133 artists from film, sound art and music, writing, visual art, and photography go to project ⮕ |