a preparation for what ... creatures, 2024, acrylic on canvas, 56 x 84 cm.
The Echinopsis cactus depicted in this work is a plant which blooms only last a day. They flower during the night and by noon they start to slowly wilt. But each year, a healthy plant that gets enough light might bloom more than once. Guided by her gardening experience, the artist decided this year to use some of the time she has at her disposal accompanied by these spectacular flowers to arrange a temporary placement of the container, away from the usual spot where the plant lives, that would support a poetic narrative. This action has an immoral undercurrent to it. The plant could not possibly thrive in such a location. At the same time, the flowers wilt more rapidly if exposed to the full sun that the cactus normally enjoys. Here the staged scene speaks of a hiding place. The plant is protected and kept safe in a clothes cabinet, very much human or animal-like in what we might imagine her fears are.
The Echinopsis cactus depicted in this work is a plant which blooms only last a day. They flower during the night and by noon they start to slowly wilt. But each year, a healthy plant that gets enough light might bloom more than once. Guided by her gardening experience, the artist decided this year to use some of the time she has at her disposal accompanied by these spectacular flowers to arrange a temporary placement of the container, away from the usual spot where the plant lives, that would support a poetic narrative. This action has an immoral undercurrent to it. The plant could not possibly thrive in such a location. At the same time, the flowers wilt more rapidly if exposed to the full sun that the cactus normally enjoys. Here the staged scene speaks of a hiding place. The plant is protected and kept safe in a clothes cabinet, very much human or animal-like in what we might imagine her fears are.